Psychic Development

Can I join a monthly class in progress?

Yes, I allow students to join monthly psychic development classes that have already begun meeting. If you wish to join a class in progress, PayPal the fee to participate and start attending class immediately. The monthly cost is $88 for 3-day a week classes (Mondays-Wednesdays-Fridays) and $55 for 2-day a week classes (Mondays-Wednesdays or Tuesdays-Thursdays) per student.

Students may not join a Health Intuition class in progress because the information taught is cumulative. 

Book classes via the Appointments page.

Psychic Abilities Diagram: Psychic Sight = Clairvoyance, Psychic Hearing = Clairaudience, Psychic Feeling = Clairsentience, Psychic Knowing = Claircognizance, Psychic Smell = Clairalience, Psychic Taste = Clairgustance, Psychic Touch = Psychometry, Psychic Communication = Telepathy

I am gifting 25 seats in each of my teleclasses to people who are unemployed or living on a reduced income. The spots are first come, first served and you must register below the same as a paying student. You do not need to ask me if you can have one of the seats. If you meet the criteria and want to join class, simply register using the coupon code: FREECLASS. The free class option does not apply to the Reiki With Angels webinars/classes or retreats.

Intro to Psi Dev | Self-Paced

Intro to Psi Dev is a self-paced, online, class that anyone can access who has Internet. The cost is $50 and you have lifetime access.

I created this class for people who cannot take Psi Dev live at 9 pm ET, for people who are not yet ready to do practice readings and for people who like all the foundational information and best practices written out and explained in way they can repeat.


EU/UK Angels Communication | July

This class is taught via WebEx on Mondays and Wednesdays, 2 PM EDT / 6 PM GMT / 8 PM CET 

18 hours @ $55.00

This class is  for those who want to learn how to connect, communicate and work with the angels. If you've been feeling angelic presence, have always felt connected to the angels but don't know how to communicate with them, felt drawn to the angels, or simply curious about the Angelic Realm, we hope you join us in this class. 

*Please check your local time prior to signing up via our Appointments page

*There is no prerequisite to attend, but you may get more out of the experience if you take the self-paced Intro to Psychic Development class first.

Illustration credit :

Healer Heal Thyself | July

This class is taught via Webex meeting webinar on Tuesdays and Thursdays, 9 PM to 11 PM EDT.

18 hrs @ $55.00

This Spiritual Self Care class is a must for those who are answering to our awakening. As we walk further into our journey, spiritual hygiene practices and a strong foundation in esoteric knowledge are very important to protect ourselves as we grow. Topics include understanding energy/subtle bodies, connecting to our guides and High Self, past lives, meditations, self healing, and so on. 

*Please check your local time prior to signing up via our Appointments page.

**There is no prerequisite to attend, but you may get more out of the experience if you take the self-paced Intro to Psychic Development class first.

Photo credit Mark de Jong

Psi Dev POP! | July

This weekly class/practice session is taught via Webex meeting webinar on Wednesday, 9 PM to 11 PM EDT. July only. 

10 hrs @ $25.00

Looking for a way to practice your psychic senses and abilities on a regular basis? Debby Flores graciously offers to lead practice sessions this month, so you can hone your skills in individual or pairing exercises. 

A small fee to help pay the cost of Webex hosting, however the FreeClass coupon can be used if you need it. 

*Please check your local time prior to signing up via our Appointments page.

**There is no prerequisite to attend, but you may get more out of the experience if you take the self-paced Intro to Psychic Development class first.


EU/UK Healer Heal Thyself | August

This class is taught via Webex meeting webinar on Mondays and Wednesdays, 2 PM EDT / 6 PM GMT / 8 PM CET.

18 hrs @ $55.00

This Spiritual Self Care class is a must for those who are answering to our awakening. As we walk further into our journey, spiritual hygiene practices and a strong foundation in esoteric knowledge are very important to protect ourselves as we grow. Topics include understanding energy/subtle bodies, connecting to our guides and High Self, past lives, meditations, self healing, and so on. 

*Please check your local time prior to signing up via our Appointments page.

**There is no prerequisite to attend, but you may get more out of the experience if you take the self-paced Intro to Psychic Development class first.

Nature Spirits and Elemental Beings | August

This class is taught via Webex meeting webinar on Tuesdays and Thursdays, 9 to 11 PM EDT

18 hrs @ $55.00

Earth needs our help. This class goes deep to connect with Nature Spirits and Elemental Beings, listen to their wisdoms and guidance so we can live in alignment with Nature and be better stewards of this planet for our children, grandchildrens and generations to come.

*Please check your local time prior to signing up via our Appointments page.

**There is no prerequisite to attend, but you may get more out of the experience if you take the self-paced Intro to Psychic Development class first.


Stay tuned for details on these:

SEPT : (EU/UK) Nature Spirits and Elemental Beings, (USA) Akashic Records.

OCT : (EU/UK) Akashic Records, (USA) Health Intuition 1

NOV : (EU/UK) Star People, (USA) Health Intuition 2

DEC : Happy Holidays! We take the annual break from classes during the holiday season; let's remember to express gratitude to our "off webinar" families and friends for their love and support.